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Blue Pill STM32F103C8T6

Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark


NameBlue Pill


CoreArm Cortex-M3
Max. Clock Speed72MHz
PackageLQFP 48 pins

Internal memories





Any +3.3V pin (+3.3V)
Any +5V pin (+5V)
USB connector (+5V)
VDDA pinNo
VSSA pinNo
VREF- pinNo
VREF+ pinNo
Backup batteryNone


PartTX6211B (DE=A1D)
PackageSOT23-5 5 pins
Input+3.6V to +5.5V
Output+3.3V @ 300mA


Size (w x l)23mm x 53mm


  • Warning: The +5V pins on this board are directly connected to the +5V pin of the USB connector. There is no protection in place. Do not power this board through USB and an external power supply at the same time.
  • Warning: This board may have a wrong value of resistor on the USB D+ pin. Instead of a 1.5kΩ it has either a 10kΩ or 4.7kΩ resistor. This can be solved by replacing the resistor with the right value.
<![if supportMisalignedColumns]> <![endif]>
PIN Number Board Pins Arduino Pins Other pin uses PWM Pins ADC Pins
1 PB12 28 SS2
2 PB13 29 SCK2
3 PB14 30 MISO2
4 PB15 31 MOSI2
5 PA8 8 PWM
6 PA9 9 TX1 PWM
7 PA10 10 TX2 PWM
8 PA11 11 USB-
9 PA12 12 USB+
10 PA15 15
11 PB3 19
12 PB4 20
13 PB5 21
14 PB6 22 SCL1 PWM
15 PB7 23 SDA2 PWM
16 PB8 24 PWM
17 PB9 25 PWM
18 5V
19 GND
20 3.3V
22 PC13 32 LED
23 PC14 33
24 PC15 34
25 PA0 0 PWM ADC0
26 PA1 1 PWM ADC1
27 PA2 2 TX2 PWM ADC2
28 PA3 3 RX2 PWM ADC3
29 PA4 4 SS1 ADC4
30 PA5 5 SCK1 ADC5
33 PB0 16 PWM ADC8
34 PB1 17 PWM ADC9
35 PB10 26 TX3/ SDA2
36 PB11 27 RX3/ SCL2
38 3.3V
39 GND
40 GND
41 3.3V
42 PA13 34 JTMS/ SWDIO
43 PA14 37 JTCK/ SWCLK
44 GND
45 GND
46 PB2 18 BOOT1
47 3.3V
48 3.3v
49 BOOT0
50 GND


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