6 touch-sensitive buttons, one-to-one direct output, provides low-power mode, can be used for battery applications
product. It has excellent performance in terms of waterproof and anti-interference!
- Product Features
- Operating voltage range: 3.1V – 5.5V
- Operating current: 3mA (normal mode); 15 uA (sleep mode) @5V
- 6 touch-sensitive keys
- If there is no button for 4 seconds, enter sleep mode
- Provide one-to-one direct output, high-level output when no key is pressed, and low-level output when pressed
- The sensitivity can be adjusted by adjusting the external capacitance of the CAP pin. The larger the capacitance, the higher the sensitivity.
- It has waterproof and water-spreading water droplets covering the touch key panel, and the keys can still be effectively discriminated
- Product application
- All kinds of home appliances and entertainment products
- Package pinout (QFN16: 3x3mm)